Student Kit

Sturdy aluminum, locking carry case holds the following:

Rotary tattoo machine kit, including machine hand piece, switch cord, power source, foot pedal or a cordless rotary machine with rechargable batteries. The usual machine is a MAST.

Disposable needle cartridges

Microblade pens

Color and mixing wheel for cosmetic (tertiary) colors

Sharps container

Protective eye wear

Disposable gloves


Micro brushes  

Marking pencil

Topical anesthetic samples

Black pigment

Pigment caps

Barrier covers for tray

Tissue, Q-tips, cotton rounds, etc.

Suppliers, vendors, manufacturers and the contact information you need for insurance etc.

USB containing all client forms, charting notes, history, and client take home instructions etc. in word doc for your convenience

Exposure control plan on USB in word doc for your convenience

Your own portfolio of photos and videos of you and your model/clients; Before, During and After.